2 phone 3 T h I N G_McElman_070716_2375 S/Southern Pawn Shop cropped - yellow tiled

Monday, February 11, 2008

Thing #5 - Fun with Flickr

Brennan Puzzle
Originally uploaded by Librarian Sue 113

I think I might have done it this time - with a little luck this picture will show up on the blog post for today. I find it very frustrating that it's not easy to find directions for doing something that should be relatively simple. Nowhere could I find that I had to upload this picture puzzle I made to Flickr before I could put it in my blog. Why do techies only write for other techies? I could upload it to my blog directly, but it wouldn't appear in a particular post. It appeared on my blog, but not where I wanted it too. Then after I uploaded it to Flickr and then downloaded it to my blog it was fine.

I think it would be fun to make posters for the library using pictures from Flickr. It would be really nice to be able to make big posters, but I don't think we have the capability here to do that.

It's fun using these toys, but I wish I were more creative to figure out clever things to do with them.

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